Feathering out notes, points, concerns, ideas, and other differing positions by means of:


We as Alaskans recognize or declare the following statemets;

Who a Thunk it ? -----
Dan Fagen radio talk show ----- Gulf area owners -- 21 refineries in their state alone ?
--It is either hydrogen with carbon or hydrogen without carbon !
--Tricked up terms and verbage
--Alaskans own Alaska... wrong, America and its people own Alaska
--Energy is to Men as Pregnancy is to women
--Stake holders, Skin in the Game, Hydrocarbons, Propane, Natural Gas, Diesel, etc.. are all distracting and diversionary terms...
--Hickles day is a new day , not with oil and gas only
--We -Who own the Electricity and Water... US all of Us !
--Non Disclosure Agreements by Public Officials.....
--Consultants without disclosures of associates
--Public Business is public ..Period
--Salaries should be disclosed up front....
--Food and Shelter are primary motivators
--An annual allotment of Electricity per dwelling.....

A Declaration ----
BECAUSE THEY RAN OUT OF STONES" Honda, dream documentary

A Declaration----
---It is in Alaska best interest to support the Hydrogen with Carbon Fossil Fuels Oil and Gas Industry for the purposes of Revenue Generation from the sales of our Resource ownership to all sectors outside of our IRLECEWEN sector. ( Individual Residential Life Essential Clean Electricity and Water Energy Needs = IRLECEWEN)

---No individual, company, corporation, foreign country, or other entity shall own our IRLECEWEN again.

- - -While the rest of the USA goes to Nuclear, Piped Gas, Clean Coal ?, Ethanol, and Carbon laced Hydrogen;
We Alaskans, by developing our Clean Electricity and Water Energy Partnership Projects will put us way ahead of the lower 48 in many sectors of
"Quality of Life" and Technology that should place us into a world renown leadership role within 2 - 10 years.

A Recognition ----
----The Planet Earth is being impacted by the actions of the Human Species.

----The Clean Electrification of the Planet is underway

----The #1 priority as a society is to develop and provide Clean Electricity and Water in
amounts sufficient to hold a calm Residential Sector

----Alaskas' Oil and Gas Development and Generation products shall be used by our
IRLECEWEN as a last resort necessity only

----The Individual Residential Life Essential Clean Electricity and Water Energy Needs should
be a standalone department.
---- All living entities seek energies in order to exist, stay alive or maintain a state of "BEING"!

----All viable societies are based on Population and Energy Balance.

----We are a Hydrogen Based Life Form---Our Hydrogen and Oxygen fuel cell body designs produce clean electricity for our Individual State of Being or Existance.

Britt Central Plumbing and Heating 563-9931
The Coopers

Stesser Electric
Cresent Electric

1 kw = 3, 400 btu @ 10 to 15 cents per
80 to 90 cents per 100,000 btu

HOME @ 1,000 =
2 x 4 frame = 35 BTU per sq ft x 1,000 = 35,000 btu heater
2x6 frame = 40 BTU per sq ft
Garage =
Green House 70 to 80 btu per sq ft